$1,550.00 USD

Service Level Agreement (SLA) for The Pilates Course

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is entered into between The Pilates Course (hereinafter referred to as "Provider") and the client (hereinafter referred to as "Client") for the provision of an online or in-person Pilates Teacher Training Course. This SLA outlines the agreed-upon terms and conditions for the service delivery and performance expectations.

1.Service Description: Provider agrees to deliver an online and in-person Pilates teacher training course hosted on the Kajabi app. The course will include written and video lessons, instructional materials, assessments, and interactive components, aimed at providing comprehensive training to the participants.

Scope of Service:

 2.1 Course Content: Provider will develop and provide high-quality Pilates teacher training content, including videos, documents, quizzes, and any other necessary instructional materials. 2.2 Delivery Platform: Provider will utilize the Kajabi app as the platform for hosting and delivering the online course content. 2.3 In-person Sessions: Provider will conduct in-person training sessions at mutually agreed-upon locations, dates, and times, as specified in the course schedule.

Availability: 3.1 Online Platform Availability: Provider will ensure that the app is available to the Client and participants for accessing the course content at least 99.9% of the time, excluding scheduled maintenance periods. 3.2 Scheduled Maintenance: Provider will notify the Client of any planned maintenance or system upgrades that may affect the availability of the course platform, in advance.

Support: 4.1 Technical Support: Provider will offer technical support to the Client and participants during regular business hours via email or a designated support system. Support requests will be acknowledged within 24 hours, and efforts will be made to resolve them promptly. 4.2 Course-related Support: Provider will offer course-related support, clarification, and guidance to the Client and participants through online forums, discussion boards, or designated communication channels.

Participant Management: 5.1 Enrollments: Provider will ensure that participants can enroll in the course through the Kajabi app and receive timely access to the course content after registration. 5.2 Participant Data Privacy: Provider will handle participant data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information collected during the course.

Training Materials and Updates: 6.1 Course Updates: Provider will periodically review and update the training materials to ensure their accuracy and relevance, incorporating any necessary improvements or industry updates. 6.2 Access to Materials: Provider will ensure that participants have uninterrupted access to the course materials throughout the duration of the training program.

Payments and Refunds: 7.1 Payment Terms: Client agrees to pay the agreed-upon fees for the Pilates teacher training course as outlined in the separate agreement between the parties. 7.2 Refunds: Provider's refund policy, if any, shall be outlined in the separate agreement between the parties.

Intellectual Property: 8.1 Course Ownership: The Provider retains all ownership rights and intellectual property rights associated with the Pilates teacher training course, including the content, materials, and any other proprietary information provided during the course. 8.2 Participant Rights: Participants will have limited, non-exclusive rights to use the course materials solely for their personal training purposes and may not reproduce, distribute, or share the materials without prior written consent from the Provider.

Termination: 9.1 Termination for Convenience: The Provider may terminate this SLA at any time by providing written notice to the other party. 9.2 Termination for Breach: The Provider may terminate this SLA in the event of a material breach by the other party

Online Mat Teacher Training 10th - 25th August 2024

Study with us and receive a comprehensive education in both classical and contemporary techniques.

Saturdays & Sundays Only

Course Breakdown:

  • The History of Pilates

  • Pilates Principles

  • Anatomy

  • Posture and Alignment

  • Studio Etiquette

  • Medical Screening

  • Comprehensive Education in both Classical and Contemporary Repertoire

  • Emphasis on Cueing

  • Modifications and Adaptations

  • Injury prevention within Scope of Practice

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum

  • Prop Training

  • Basic Business Knowledge

 Whether you are a fitness professional looking to expand your skills or a beginner seeking a comprehensive education in Pilates this course is for you.

Course Hours Breakdown:

+- 35 hours of Lectures in person live or in person online.

On completion of the course, you will be required to complete 205 hours of practical teaching. These hours are broken down as follows: 

50 Hours of Observation 

60 Hours of Self Practice Mat workouts 

50 Hours of Practice Teaching eg. teach a friend or family member

40 Hours of Mat Classes taught by a Qualified Pilates Teacher

5 Hours being Observed Teaching by a Mat Qualified Teacher